Une possible histoire de la norme. Les normativités émergentes de la mondialisation (2e édition)

The normative architecture of contemporary Western societies is transformed by the combined action of the globalization of commercial and financial exchanges, the economic shift attributed to the modes of governance of the public administration, the globalization of risks and intensification of State interdependencies. Globalization is shaking up the state’s monopoly on the law by illustrating its difficulties in regulating global phenomena, such as threats to its security or environmental risks. This book proposes to make an inventory of the effects of globalization on the law. A historical perspective supports this inventory and thus allows a better appreciation of the evolution of the ability to say the law of the state, the first attribute of its sovereignty. What are the limits of modern law in the light of globalization? How to reconcile the sovereignty of the state with the multiple interdependencies that surround it at the normative level? What are the possible forms of global governance? How to ensure democratic governance of global affairs? What is the place of the nation-state in the elaboration of a global, even postnational right? How to situate the relationship between state law and the emerging norms of globalization? These questions, and many others, are at the heart of the developments in this book.

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 29 juin 2018 à 17 h 32 min.