La densification normative. Découverte d’un processus

What if normative densification was a key process for grasping the law? And what if it pointed to a major trend in the evolution of contemporary societies? At this scale, it could well be in the twenty-first century and society as a whole what legislative inflation was in the twentieth century for the law. To measure this, this research by lawyers, as well as sociologists and managers, offers precise « markers » that can be transposed to any type of norm, be they legal, ethical, technical, managerial or managerial. .

Thanks to the combined effort of these nearly 70 researchers to bring it to light, normative densification appears as a process of increasing the normativity by which norms take shape and force, gain in extension, tightening their mesh into a web, more and more dense.

It shows the contrasting image of a hypertrophied and relativized right, competing, in its function of orientation and measurement of conduct and practices, by other normativities also in full densification. Then the figure of a hypernormed society, saturated with norms, is presented, far from presenting the guarantees of the rules of law, but capable of imposing itself by the only force of the devices which carry them.

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 29 juin 2018 à 17 h 59 min.