La construction européenne est-elle démocratique?
Nicolas LEVRAT, La construction européenne est-elle démocratique?, Paris, La documentation française, 2012.
Nicolas LEVRAT, La construction européenne est-elle démocratique?, Paris, La documentation française, 2012.
The institutions and policies of the European Union are regularly criticized for their complexity, their bureaucratism and even their lack of legitimacy. In spite of the constant reinforcement of the powers of the European Parliament and the efforts of democratization and transparency of the European decision-making process, the feeling of a democratic deficit persists. After analyzing the reforms undertaken in the last thirty years to democratize the European Union, the author analyzes the factors that may explain the persistence of European democratic malaise. Echoing the debates on this subject, he wonders: can Europe really be more democratic? Are the ongoing democratization projects sufficient? Are there other sources of legitimacy for the Union than democratic legitimacy? Does the European Union foreshadow the advent of an original form of democracy, the grammar of which would not be modeled on that of national democracies?
Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 29 juin 2018 à 18 h 31 min.