Les standards constitutionnels mondiaux

From the worldwide spread of constitutionalism to the international framework of constituent processes, constitutional law is in full swing. The doctrine has not been mistaken in examining with the greatest attention the transformations of constitutional law in a legal world in the process of globalization. It has, however, generally addressed these transformations in terms of the interactions between legal orders through the dual prism of the internationalization of national constitutions and the constitutionalization of public international law.

This book aims to take a step away from this now classic approach, not so much to challenge it, as to broaden the perspective by daring a surprising assumption at first glance: that of the emergence of constitutional standards world. Is it possible to identify in the profusion of practices – sometimes at the edge of the law – States, international organizations, judges or networks of experts and certain private actors, standards of a constitutional nature worldwide? ?

What, if any, are their methods of training and implementation? How is their punishment organized? What resistance strategies do these standards face and what are the criticisms that should be addressed to them in terms of legitimacy? So many questions to which this book intends to bring elements of answer.

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 28 juin 2018 à 17 h 55 min.